Friday 10 January 2014

The Perspective in Concept Art

Video games that are represented in 3 dimensional graphics allow us to experience realism in the virtual world; perspective allows us to mimic the real world by adding depth to the rendering. 
2 point perspective 
The image above is an example I made in Photoshop; the object would be more realistic if the vanishing points were spread further away off the image. 
2 point perspective 

3 point perspective 
In a perspective drawing, an object gets smaller the further away it is from the viewer. 

If an object overlaps over another object, it will appear closer to the viewer. 

Colours are less saturated the further they are away; the more air the light travels through the more the colour is affected. 
Distance - Saturation 

1 point perspective 

The 1 point perspective was used by Leonardo Da Vinci in his Last Supper painting. 

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