Tuesday 14 January 2014

Portrait week 15

Life drawing portraiture face, the aim of today's lesson was to draw out the model's face. We are working towards preparing ourselves for creating concept artwork, this drawing will be of the model's face and shoulders; muscles and bone structures.
First attempt practise drawing
To begin the drawing I drew out the form using simple shapes, a circle for the skull.

End of the day photo
The technique of drawing out the forms before doing any detail works really well as it allows me to get the drawing accurate and lifelike. I am pleased with the result in this drawing as it is my most favourite drawing this year to date.

The head is created from the skull; cranium, face, neck and jaw. These parts are drawn in using spheres and shapes. Drawing in the foundations first makes the work much easier in the long run. We were given diagrams of the forms for human anatomy, it showed simple shapes to use which really helped with drawing this piece. The muscle diagrams helped too.

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