Thursday 12 December 2013

Women In Games

The gaming industry has over the last thirty years gone from being a garage based industry, where the game developers worked in their homes to multi-national and in some companies even global enterprises. Home based indie game developers have become more commonplace once again in recent years as the costs of running game studios increases while the game development process becomes easier with the use of game engines. Over these years, the role of females has changed in the industry (as consumers, developers and as game developers). In this essay I am attempting to evaluate the importance of females in games over the last three decades. 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Multi-view Observation & Clay Modelling - week 12

Today we had to make quick observational sketches of the model at different view points, we rotated around the room until we had drawn each view point. 

After that we were given 2 blocks of clay with which to sculpt a 3D model out of; the rest of the day was used to model the bust figure. The task was to sculpt it while using the live model for reference. 

I found the modelling to be difficult as I had not done any before, moving around the room while trying to get the right shape in the clay was not the easiest thing for me. It worked okay for getting the basic shape of things but it was not easy to get the muscles in.